Book Review | As You Wish | Cary Elwes

Rating: 4 out of 5

Genre: Nonfiction, 4 stars

People who should read this: This is a great book for anyone that loves the phenomenal movie The Princess Bride. 

“As you wish…”

I’m sure, without even reading the title of this review, you know exactly what movie that line comes from. If not, what rock have you been living under? It’s one of the most iconic lines in all of movie history. I would say it’s even up there with the classics like “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine”. 

And if you’re a freak for The Princess Bride like I am, then I think you might enjoy As You Wish the book - not the iconic line. 

The book is written by Cary Elwes, which gives a great look into the making of the movie. Not only did I enjoy the behind the scene moments for a director’s perspective, but the behind the scenes information about say, Cary’s broken toe. Did you know that? That very same “As you wish” moment when Buttercup pushes Westley off the cliff, included Cary walking around with a broken toe?

That’s one of the many things that you’ll learn reading the book.

Man, this is starting to turn into an infomercial. Sorry, friends. Let’s see if we can right this ship. 

I find writing reviews for nonfiction books to be hard, not only because I don’t want to tear down the story of someone's life - aka the plot is out of the question - but I also struggle to critique something so personal. 

Here’s what I can say. 

Though I did learn a lot of cool facts that I’ll use in my next pop culture conversation, the book read like a love letter from Cary to all of the people that he worked with. I too love the cast, but come one, it doesn’t need to be so mushy. I want more facts about the movie, daily life on set, the interaction of the director with the cast, not Cary gushing over working with so and so. 

But my biggest takeaway is how much of a family the cast still feels today. 

The other outcome of reading As You Wish was my unfortunate viewing of Spinal Tap. Just don’t do it friends. No matter how many times it’s mentioned in the book or that Rob Reiner directed and starred in it, don’t do it to yourself. It’s nowhere near as good as The Princess Bride. 

I ended up reading As You Wish after reading Goldman’s book Adventures in the Screen Trade, which leaves off before he was involved with The Princess Bride. I couldn’t have planned the bookends any better. And where the first book lacked Goldman’s take on his personality, the second book gave a perfect window. 

All in all though, I was a little bored at times even with the great moments in As You Wish. If you’re not the biggest mega fan of the film or not into making movies, I’m not sure this is the book for you. You might end up falling asleep while reading and we all know that can be dangerous. There have been a lot of fatalities from books landing on people’s faces when they fall asleep. I’m just kidding. *No one has died from reading a book.* At least I hope not....

Happy Reading

Love Kait

Reading Challenge: 51/175